邢台豆腐干机厂家 豆腐干机价格 豆腐干机视频The main refers to the machine that cooks soybean milk, the traditional fire is heated directly, easy to paste the pan, the quality of the tofu has an impact. It is now heated mainly through boiler steam电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 全套自动豆干机器设备特点: 1.磨浆设施,全套自动豆干机器设备实现豆浆除渣一体化,纯度高,出渣少,浆子稠,速度快等特点! 2.煮浆设施,全套自动豆干机器设备采用锅炉煮浆,操作技术易掌握,实现效率高,口感好等特点! 3.点浆技术,全套自动豆干机器设备实现卤水、石膏,内酯,多种点浆方法,产品口感,光泽,弹性,韧性可与手工相比! 豆腐干机特点: 1、煮熟的豆浆经过点浆、凝固、压榨成型制成豆干; 2、机械自动化,自动磨浆、自动煮浆、产量高,速度快,操作简单,只需要1-2人即可操作; 3、豆腐干机整机由高级不锈钢制造,完全符合卫生标准,技术良好,质量可靠,经久耐用; 4、实现了生产过程自动化,具有高效、省时、耗能低、占地小、无噪音、无污染等有点; 5、豆腐干机生产出来的豆腐干、豆香醇厚、口感劲道。 The bean dryer is composed of the pulping deslag system, the pulping system and the pressing (forming) system. Beandry is made with the same amount of tofu as tofu, and the pressure on the back is greater than that of tofu.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉