郑州豆腐干机厂家 豆腐干机多少钱 豆腐干机械设备Bean curd drying machine can realize thin and thick adjustable, adapt to different areas of consumption demand. The key components are made of advanced stainless steel, which is completely in line with hygienic standards.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 豆腐干机优势: 一机多用:可同时生产豆干、豆花、各式豆腐等多种豆制品。 方便快捷:从大豆原料进机到出成品仅需25分钟,一人可操作,省时省工省力,轻松便捷。 保持营养:运用**高温蒸气加热煮浆工艺,保持豆干原有的营养成份和口味,味道更鲜美。 现做现卖:消费者可亲眼目睹从黄豆到豆干的生产全过程,真正吃上放心豆干。 品质**:采用国标不锈钢和**电气元件制造,通过ISO9001国际认证,使用寿命至少十年以上 Come to my factory free training technology, can pilot production, can see the whole bean curd dry, dry production video.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉