烟台豆腐机生产厂家 豆腐机多少钱一台 豆腐机操作视频There are more preferential measures for business customers and farmers' friends. Welcome the new and old customers to visit the factory, provide the professional production line free operation, the free transfer technology, welcome your arrival!电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 全自动豆腐机的特点: 1.全自动豆腐机煮浆采用高温封闭式,豆浆温度可达100℃以上,实现脱腥、脱臭、消除大豆对人体的有害物质。 2.全自动豆腐机加工过程中无气.水外溢.作业环境清洁卫生。 3.全自动豆腐机设备为优质不锈钢制造,占地面积小,安全简单,只需一人操作。 4.全自动豆腐机器采用磨浆.吸浆.煮浆.成型分离型.便于运输.安装.维修。适用于家庭作坊,学校,大机关食堂,超市等。 In the large and medium-sized city processing, sale health care tofu, the benefit must be considerable. Low input and low risk is a very good program for urban low-income and laid-off workers.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉