朝阳干豆腐机厂家 干豆腐机多少钱 干豆腐机生产视频The operation is simple and quick, easy to realize automatic peeling, and the peeling dried tofu is smooth and elastic. The cooking process is fully automated, and is not required to be supervised, so as long as the temperature is set before the cooking电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 干豆腐机具有以下特点: 1.干豆腐机自动生产,效率高,安全卫生;口感细腻,保有令人回味无穷的大豆清香; 2.干豆腐机制作快,成张性好,不碎不破,无裂纹,易于加工,包菜打结(如占酱肉丝包皮); 3.干豆腐机制品质感好,色泽金黄,薄如纸,软如糯,入口软酥; 4.干豆腐机制品油香十足,营养丰富,易于保存; 5.干豆腐机制品一改传统单一石膏或卤水点浆,制作简单,易掌握,且不含任何化学合成色素! 6.干豆腐机所生产的干豆腐薄厚均匀,厚薄可调(0.2-3毫米)韧性好,叠起来用手摔不烂,口感好,不论凉拌小菜,煎炒,打汤,烩菜,均是美味佳肴,保持了传统优质干豆腐的口感和风味 It is comparable to the traditional production. One person can produce the process of mixing brain, brain, feeding, folding and covering, as well as pressing leather, peeling and rolling. Greatly reduced labor intensity. And improved labor efficiency.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉