潍坊豆腐机械设备 豆腐机多少钱 豆腐机厂家在哪There is no gas in the automatic tofu processing. Water overflows. The working environment is clean and hygienic. The automatic tofu machine is made of high quality stainless steel, which occupies a small area and is safe and simple.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 全自动豆腐机的特点: 全自动豆腐机,很多人也叫它全自动豆腐机设备,自动豆腐机型号大小不一,所以全自动豆腐机也有大型全自动豆腐机、小型全自动豆腐机。 1.工艺先进:工艺先进,设计合理。原料不需蒸煮,一步成型,通过摩擦和压力发热装置,直接加热自动升温。 2.高效节能:高效节能,只需一台电动机,不用燃料等其他能源。比传统豆腐机节能40%以上,效率提高 3.质量可靠:所产内酯豆腐,清凉剔透、久煮不糊、营养丰富、味道鲜美。 4.一机多用:通过更换不同的磨具可同时生产其它产品 5.操作方便:自动下料,自动成型,一人可操作。 Big tofu machine production line, from ground beans to the big tofu forming are fully automated production, 1 person to operation, 1 automatic tofu machine operation, completely copy the manual production, professional technical teachers hold, customer hand machine operation, learn so far!电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉