锦州干豆腐机厂家 干豆腐机多少钱 干豆腐机械设备It relies on the friction between the molecules of soybean milk to produce heat, and the dried tofu is not burnt, so that the protein in soy is not destroyed. Soy products produced are more nutritious, original flavor and delicious taste电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 全自动干豆腐机购买注意事项: 1、干豆腐机分为4种材质,材质不同,价格也不同,使用寿命也不同。 2、干豆腐机购买较好到厂家实地参观考察,亲自操作干豆腐机生产线! 3、干豆腐机购买一定要注意厂家的规模,选大的厂家、大的品牌比较放心! 4、干豆腐机购买要结合自己的经济实力选购不同材质的干豆腐机! Small dry tofu factory home, experienced, the production of dried tofu products taste exquisite, the purchase machine manufacturers free to provide production technology, machine equipment 1 year warranty, 10 years maintenance!电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉