抚顺干豆腐机厂家 干豆腐机多少钱 干豆腐机视频With a high degree of automation and stainless steel packaging, it is suitable for one person to operate, which is suitable for mass production, and the output is about 300 jin. Currently, the popular pdf-4 machine is popular电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 豆腐皮的生产流程: 1.选料:大豆的质量,产地,含油量,直接关系到豆腐皮的韧性,颜色,产量,选择颗粒饱满,无烂豆,无豆瓣,无虫蛀,薄皮,含油量少的白眉豆。 2.泡豆的时间根据季节的不同,而进行适应的调整,一般夏季的泡豆时间为4——6小时,冬季为10小时左右, 3.磨浆;磨浆机的大小(功率的大小)直接影响着出浆率,现将泡好的黄豆,分好量后,倒进磨浆机漏斗内,一边注水,一边开启磨浆机,此时称为**遍渣,静砂轮与动砂轮的间隙稍大些,使其磨出的渣有粗糙感,兑水和匀渣,进行*二遍渣,调紧动静砂轮的间隙,使其磨出的渣有细腻感,兑水和匀豆腐渣,再次进行*三遍磨浆。 4.煮浆;煮浆有地锅熬浆,锅炉蒸汽煮浆,电加热煮浆等多种方法,较常用的为锅炉煮浆方法,此种方法,煮浆时间短,速度快,成本低等优势。 5.点浆:点浆有泸水,熟石膏,生石膏,内酯,酸浆水等,豆腐皮的豆腐脑需要有粘度稍稀的脑,这样有助于提高产量。 6.豆腐皮机接下以下所有工序,进行破脑,泼皮,传送,折叠,压榨,剥皮。 Nutrition is compared with the traditional tofu produced in a long time firing method. The machine adopts electronic heating. It relies on the friction between the molecules of soybean milk to produce heat, and the soybean milk is not burnt, so that the protein in soy is not destroyed.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉