潍坊豆芽机械设备 豆芽机厂家直销 豆芽机多少钱The bean sprout machine includes the thermostat, the hair line, the water pump, the installation drawing, the instructions, etc., the user according to their economic situation and the production quantity, decides the use material and the size of the incubator.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 豆芽机性能特点 1、整机采用全钢制结构,内置镀锌板,不锈钢支架,经久耐用。 2、箱体全夹层具有良好保温性能,水箱内置,做到节水、节能、高效。 3、采用通用周转箱,抽屉式作业,使用方便,配套容易。 4、分室隔离放置生长箱,适合分批循环生产;同时容易清洗、消毒。 5、整机采用智能型设计,操作简便。 Natural bud, without any pharmaceutical, green pollution-free health food, cost savings, reduced bean sprout production cost.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉