临沂豆腐皮机厂家 豆腐皮机多少钱 豆腐皮机操作视频We will provide lifelong maintenance, ten years of maintenance, and free replacement for spare parts for one year.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉 鑫丰豆腐皮机特点: 1、豆腐皮机全不锈钢制造,机身长度仅1.5米; 2、豆腐皮机自动化程度高,1人1小时产200斤豆腐皮; 3、豆腐皮机工厂生产价销售,上门安装调试; 4、豆腐皮机生产传统手工味豆腐皮,保持了传统豆腐皮的口感和风味; 5、采用220v电压,每小时仅耗电1.5度; 6、鑫丰机械10年致力于豆腐皮及的生产研发。 The production environment is clean and hygienic, and we can now sell it and let customers see the whole process of clean and sanitary production. Let the people buy safely, eat comfortable.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉